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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Quick Tour of Penn State Hershey

My wife and I have decided that we will have our baby at Penn State Hershey Medial Center. (Not sure why I say we when it is certainly not me that will be doing very much work.) Today we went for our final child birth education class and a tour of the hospital. I have been thoroughly impressed with the class and have learned quite a bit that I hadn't thought of before.

The tour went fairly well. The hospital was too busy and too full for us to see a lot of the rooms etc... for real so they showed us a video of the things that we didn't get to see. It was weird to think about all those rooms being filled with women giving birth. Sometimes it feels like we are the only ones going through the whole pregnancy process, so it was reassuring to think that we weren't alone.

The tour was very helpful for many reasons. First and foremost, now we know where to go when it's finally time to call the doctor. Second, we got to see all the stuff we don't need to bring because the hospital has it for free. Third, I now know where the ice machine is. I have been told this will be important. And fourth, I found out there is ample room in the C-Section room for me to pass out without hitting my head in the event we end up there. (I don't do very well with needles) This has all been a very exciting process.

As many thoughts and questions go through my head after the tour, are there any dads out there who want to share their first hospital tour experience? Or are there any new dads out there who have questions about the whole process? We certainly could all benefit the experiences many of the dads out there have already had. Did you find yourself constantly running for ice? Did you follow any of those suggestions the posters on the wall told you to? Feel free to leave comments or email me at . Thanks....P@

Friday, July 29, 2011

What is Fact Finding Fathers?

Hello Readers. I am going to start this off with a post all about what this blog is for. Like the name implies this is a webspace for Fathers maintained by a soon to be Father. To learn more about me check out the About Me section of the blog.

This will NOT be a place where I talk all about my new baby and post thousands of pictures of every new thing she does. If you are looking for that check out my wife’s blog.

This IS a place where I will share pertinent information to all dads of Central PA. You will find information about new products. You will find information about tips and tricks that I and others around the web have found helpful in being a dad. You will find information about places in Central PA that I or others have visited and found to be kid or dad friendly or not.

What will make this blog extremely useful to everyone is input from you, the reader. I have scoured the internet for hours and there isn’t a single place like this on the web for Central PA. No place for dads to share information. Hopefully, as you read about my experiences you will be willing to share some of your own. Provide information about products you’ve tried, places you have been and tips and tricks that have helped you out in being a dad.

I hope that you find this blog informative and useful in your everyday dad life. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like and I will get you an answer. Thanks for stopping in…..P@